JRK Consulting

Education and Philanthropy Consulting

Contact us
Jill Kramer

A nonprofit, philanthropy, and education executive

Jill has experience in philanthropic foundations, public charities, and higher education. She is a team builder who works to maximize the potential of each member. Experienced at setting missions and visions and developing comprehensive plans to achieve the goals, Jill works to build consensus, stakeholder buy-in, and empowers those she serves. She works with end goals and outcomes in mind and helps develop processes and products to help the team meet their objectives.
Jill Kramer is a nonprofit consultant, an education consultant, and a philanthropy consultant
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Our Services

Strategic planning

- Mission and vision setting
- Goal alignment
- Initiative planning and implementation
- Leadership advising/change management

Metric & Outcome Development

- Data definitions and analysis
- Metric, output, and outcome identification

Facilitation & Managing Projects

- Project management
- Meetings and networks

Grant and Contract Development

- Grant research
- Grant writing
- Budget development
- Case statement creation

Reporting & Tracking

- Metric and outcome reporting
- Benchmark tracking
- Impact reporting
- Developing equity and diversity measures and reports

Request a free consultation or contact Jill Kramer

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JRK Consulting

Get unparalleled work from start to finish

Our Work

Current and Past Clients

Our Story

JRK Consulting has a history of proven success for its clients

From grant writing to strategic plans to fundraising, we support our clients to achieve their goals.
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Key Accomplishments
Developed, implemented, and monitored a community college system-wide strategic plan
Provided management oversight for community college system grant and institutional research offices
Raised funds and met grant acquisition targets consistently for a community college fund raising office
Provided data analysis, strategy alignment, metric development, and reporting for a nonprofit network
Managed a multi-million-dollar grant portfolio
Developed grant processes for a national foundation
Since 2019, wrote grant and contract proposals that resulted in the awarding of more than $90 million to schools, colleges/universities, and nonprofit organizations.
Facilitated, implemented, and wrote a strategic plan for MSD Lawrence Township.

JRK Consulting supporting the following nonprofit organizations:

- Brook Park Elementary School
- Eastridge Elementary School
- FIRST Robotics Team 1024 at McKenzie Center for Innovation Technology
- Harrison Hill Elementary School
- Hanover College
- Indianapolis Metropolitan High School
- Indiana State University Bayh College of Education
- Indiana University School of Philanthropy
- Ivy Tech Foundation
- Lawrence North Football Program
- Lawrence North High School
- Lawrence Township Foundation
- Xavier University